EXHIBITION: The Same Sky Overarches Us All


ON VIEW: September 5- November 22, 2019 at the University of Maryland

Lia Halloran: The Same Sky Overarches Us All explores the lesser-known history of early women astronomers and the central role they played in modern astronomy, including the discovery and documentation of major celestial bodies. Using large-scale cyanotypes -- a photographic printing process developed in the mid-nineteenth century, primarily for scientific use -- Halloran examines how perception, time, and scale informs the human desire to understand the world and our emotional and psychological place within it. The exhibition also features her first immersive, three-channel video installation, Double Horizon (2019), an aerial exploration of the space above Los Angeles.

Read the full press release for The Same Sky Overarches Us All here.


EXHIBITION: The Observable Universe: Visualizing the Cosmos in Art


EXHIBITION: Your Body Is a Space That Sees